Gradient-based methods in error detection

I strongly encourage you to explore my earlier article, Understanding the Influence Function, as it serves as a valuable foundation for comprehending the content presented in this piece. What is error detection problem? The rapid growth of the internet, however, causes data to rise exponentially, posing numerous issues. Deep learning algorithms become less effective when big data is mislabeled or contains many errors. Current studies focus solely on improving the model rather than detecting data issues....

November 25, 2023 · 9 min · Thang Nguyen-Duc

What is Influence Function?

In this article, I review about Influence functions and various of its - a classic technique from robust statistics - to trace a model’s prediction through the learning algorithm and back to its training data, thereby identifying training points most responsible for a given prediction. Basics of influence function Consider a prediction problem from some input space \(\mathcal{X}\) (e.g., images, text,\(\ldots\)) to an output space \(\mathcal{Y}\) (e.g,. labels)....

November 24, 2023 · 7 min · Thang Nguyen-Duc